Financial Disclosure: Physician Editor



Financial Disclosure: Physician Editor Robert Bitterman, Author Dorothy Brooks, Editor Jonathan Springston, Relias Manager of Accreditations/Director of Continuing Education Amy M. Johnson, MSN, RN, CPN, Executive Editor Shelly Morrow Mark, and AHC Media Editorial Group Manager Terrey L. Hatcher report no consultant, stockholder, speaker’s bureau, research, or other financial relationships with companies having ties to this field of study.


DECEMBER 2017 Vol. 29, No. 12; p. 133-144

Using machine learning, investigators at Johns Hopkins Hospital have devised a new method for triaging patients that data suggest differentiates patients more effectively . . . . 138

See how a two-stage sepsis alert process has helped emergency clinicians better identify sepsis without increasing the incidence of alert fatigue . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

Enclosed in This Issue:

Accreditation Update: Revised standards on pain assessment and management reflect concerns about opioid epidemic






How Las Vegas Hospitals Responded to Nation’s Deadliest Mass Shooting Patients continue to present to EDs in the region with PTSD-like symptoms and anxiety related to the mass shooting

S unday evenings tend to be rela- tively quiet in the ED, but on Sunday, Oct. 1, hospitals in Las

Vegas were tasked with responding to the worst mass shooting in U.S. history when a gunman using automatic weapons opened fire on a large crowd attend- ing a must festival on the Las Vegas Strip. Fifty-nine people were killed and more than 500 injured, many of them with severe gunshot wounds.

At first unclear on the extent of the in- juries, hospitals in the region had to ramp up emergency operations quickly as patients began arriving by the truckload, many of them in private vehicles. Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center, a level II trauma center located just a few miles

from the festival, first received notice of a mass casualty event at 10:20 p.m.

“Once our incident command was stood up, we mobilized staff and sup- plies within the ED, operating room,

inpatient units, and in [our] pharmacy and supply warehouse,” explains Jeff Mu- rawsky, MD, FACP, the hospital’s chief medical officer. “We also used the incident command structure to ensure protocols were enacted for managing security, visitors, and family of those impacted by the

tragedy.” With such close proximity to the

event, Sunrise Hospital received 180 pa- tients, more than any other hospital in the region, 124 of whom had sustained gunshot wounds. Dozens of physicians,



134 | ED MANAGEMENT® / December 2017

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