You are the director of continuing care services for St. Timothy’s Health Care System, a multilevel system consisting of an array of acute and long-term services. You have been given the task of developing an information system that will track clients over time and place across the system. The system will be used for clinical, financial, and management purposes. What basic components are essential to the system? What challenges and barriers do you anticipate will be encountered in planning and implementing the system? What are the first steps you will take to design the system?

Select one of the following issues. Write 10-12 double-spaced pages (not including the title page or references) on your chosen issue. Use information from the textbook, extra handouts distributed in class, and information tracked down from other sources. Cite a minimum of five information sources (may include textbook and credible, government or organizational web sites, and peer-reviewed articles). The paper should show insight in discussing issues, not just a verbatim repeat of data from the text. All papers should be typewritten or word processed (i.e., no handwritten papers accepted), and checked for spelling and grammar. The due date for the paper is given on the syllabus. No more than 15% of the words should be direct quotes. . You have recently become president of a healthcare system, Comprehensive Health Systems, Inc. You believe that quality care should be organized as a continuum of care. Your system owns some, but not all, of the services of a continuum. What measures will you implement to organize your health care system as a continuum? What criteria will you use to measure success? (Begin with a description of the services your system offers directly and those it accesses informally, as well as your target market.)

• You are the director of continuing care services for St. Timothy’s Health Care System, a multilevel system consisting of an array of acute and long-term services. You have been given the task of developing an information system that will track clients over time and place across the system. The system will be used for clinical, financial, and management purposes. What basic components are essential to the system? What challenges and barriers do you anticipate will be encountered in planning and implementing the system? What are the first steps you will take to design the system? What recent external developments enhance and impede your project? Draw a graph of how the system will work.

• Your state is attempting to integrate services for people needing long-term care. Using an organization chart or list, identify all the departments and programs run by the state that potentially are related to long-term care and thus should be involved in the integration effort. Describe how this initiative should be orchestrated (i.e., the process for coordinating this change). Outline services and financing programs that should be involved; participation may be phased in over time. Explain how the integration should be implemented at the local client level and how staff and offices will be prepared to accomplish integration. A. Paper Style/Formatting/Submitted on time

Paper is at least 10-12 pages long (text) not including title page and reference page. APA format, 5 research articles minimum as references. No spelling, grammar, punctuation errors. Submitted on time Title Page, Introductory Paragraph, Body of Paper (using Headings), Conclusions Paragraph, and References Page. 5

B. Description of the selected scenario with enough detail to provide the background for the remainder of the paper.


C. Description of the problems being addressed and purpose of the paper.


D. Student:

Addresses each problem area being addressed with detailed information for how to resolve/solve the problem. Solutions are logical, clear, and attainable. Solutions holistically provide for the client’s best interest in a cost-effective manner. 15

E. Paper reflects the knowledge student has learned in all prior health care administration courses – including finance, accounting, epidemiology, legal and ethical, health information systems, human resource management, and health care research courses.


F. Conclusions in the paper are logical and highlight the main points of the paper.


G. The student’s paper is creative.


Total Points

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