Identify three satisfaction measurement criteria that you recommend for improvement.  Determine quality improvement strategies one could use to improve satisfaction scores.

HCA375: Continuous Quality Monitoring & Accreditation

Scored 9 out of 9 (A)

Remember to revised the paper i have already used this as my assignment at Ashford university

Measuring Consumer Satisfaction

In this competitive health care environment, consumers want and expect better health care services and hospital systems are concerned about maintaining their overall image.  There is also attention to ways in which patient satisfaction measurement can be integrated into an overall measure of clinical quality.

Visit the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services site, select a hospital, and review the data.

  • Access Hospital Compare website (
  • Click on button: Find and compare hospitals
  • Use fields provided to start search, enter continue
  • Select general search, select continue
  • Check box next to hospital name and address and click on compare
  • Scroll to the end of the survey results to find the customer satisfaction information

Identify three satisfaction measurement criteria that you recommend for improvement.  Determine quality improvement strategies one could use to improve satisfaction scores. Present your findings in a two- to three-page paper (excluding the title page and reference page) in APA format. Your assignment must include a minimum of two academic references retrieved from the Ashford Online Library.

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