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.How can you locate health care resources? What health care resources are you familiar with? How did you locate information on those resources?

Health Care Resources Questionnaire


Answer each question based on your personal experiences as a consumer receiving health care services or as a professional providing service. The questions are related to real-life experiences in which health care services are received or provided, to the consumer’s satisfaction with those services, to changes you have seen or experienced over time, or to insurance coverage benefits you have or provide. Be prepared to discuss your completed questionnaire in Week One.


1.How can you locate health care resources? What health care resources are you familiar with? How did you locate information on those resources?


    • Are you currently employed in a health care setting? If not, explain your interest in providing care or resources in the future.
    • Do you feel you have sufficient access to services as a consumer or provider? Explain your response.
    • How often do you search for health care resources or information? Explain your answer.
    • Are you able to find resources for health care questions promptly?  Explain your response.
    • Do you have delays in accessing services or in directing individuals to services, resources, or specialists? Explain your response.
    • Have you personally or professionally noticed any changes in the way health care information or services are researched or accessed? Explain your response.
    • Are you finding that there is an increase or a decrease in options for finding or researching information about health care resources? How does this benefit or hinder health care professionals and consumers? Explain your responses.
    • Do you feel confident in asking the following individuals about available health care services or resources? Explain your answers.
    • Are today’s patients well informed prior to going to health care appointments?
    • If you could change one aspect of how you locate health care information or connect to services, what would it be? Why?



Health Care Resources Questionnaire

Resource: Health Care Resources Questionnaire Grading Criteria

Complee University of Phoenix Material: Health Care Resources Questionnaire.

"Is this question part of your assignment? We can help"


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