eview the applicant tracking report generated by the applicant tracking module in Appendix B. Analyze the information in the report. Does the report meet the needs of Riordan Manufacturing? If not, what must be changed?

Resources: Appendixes B and C


Review the reports provided in Appendixes B and C, and analyze the data.


Write an evaluation report of 1,400 to 2,100 words. Imagine that Riordan Manufacturing has implemented a new HRIS. The new HRIS includes multiple modules and one of them is an applicant tracking module. Your team is given a new task, which is to evaluate the implementation of the new module. Include the following points:


  • Review the applicant tracking report generated by the applicant tracking module in Appendix B. Analyze the information in the report. Does the report meet the needs of Riordan Manufacturing? If not, what must be changed?


  • Review the HRIS Web Survey data in Appendix C. The report contains data on the employee survey conducted after the HRIS implementation. Analyze the data. Have the employees’ attitudes changed? How effective was the implementation?


  • What data sources will you look at in addition to those provided in Appendix B? What are the advantages and disadvantages of these data sources?


Format your report con

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