2. What education should be provided to the adult children and grandchild to help them understand the importance of taking the right medications at the right times?

John and Jane Doe are a married couple who live in a rural farming community in the central plains of the United States. They are 88 and 86, respectively. All four of their adult children live more than 50 miles west of the family home. John is still able to drive, although he cannot drive at night. The physician who monitors and treats the couple has an office located in the next town, which is 35 miles southeast of their home.

One adult grandchild lives with them to help maintain their large garden, but he is mentally challenged with Down’s syndrome. He is able to do manual labor with direction but cannot read or drive. He is able to count to 100 and knows his colors and the days of the week.

John has high blood pressure and a history of heart attacks. He is also diabetic and has been on insulin for 20 years. He has smoked a pipe for 60 years and continues to smoke despite having emphysema. He suffers from glaucoma and is using multiple eye drops.

John’s medications include Lisinopril for blood pressure, 25 units of regular insulin and 10 units of long acting insulin each day, and 0.25 mg of Lanoxin each day to improve the pumping action of his heart. He monitors his blood sugar before each meal and at bedtime.

Jane has a history of stroke and is currently being treated for congestive heart failure. She had lung cancer 5 years ago, but had the diseased lung surgically removed. She has never smoked. She is on oxygen to help her breathe. She fatigues easily and is often short of breath. She has had cataracts removed from both eyes, but her vision is poor. She no longer is able to drive.

Jane’s medications include Lanoxin 0.125 mg each day to help the pumping action of her heart and Furosemide, also known as Lasix, a diuretic, for her congestive heart failure. She takes an 81 mg aspirin each morning to keep her blood thinned and reduce the risk of another stroke.

Write a 350 word response to each of the following questions. scholarly sources is recommended. Format any references consistent with APA guidelines.

1. What are two interventions that would help this couple take the correct medications at the correct times and on the correct days?

2. What education should be provided to the adult children and grandchild to help them understand the importance of taking the right medications at the right times?

3. What could the grandchild do to help with medication management?

4. Would you recommend having a home health nurse visit this couple? If not, why not? If so, would one or both patients benefit? What effect do you think such visits would have?

5. What are some potential problems with medication management for this couple?

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