Steps to a Healthier Life



Steps to a Healthier Life Ball State University Students

Muncie, Indiana

Kendra Ham Jessica Hoover

Lyndsay Perrine LaMonica Smith


December 11, 2009





Executive Summary

“Steps to a Healthier Life” (See Figure 1) is a semester-long program designed to help its

priority population, Ball State University students, lead a physically active lifestyle. Data show

that Ball State University students do not know the definition of physical activity, nor do they

know the recommended amount of physical activity they should be getting each week. One of

the objectives for the program is to get the priority population to build physical activity into their

day. Another objective of the program is to make sure the participants of the program know and

can demonstrate how to properly use exercise equipment. “Steps to a Healthier Life” will also

teach participants the importance of being physically active and the health benefits that can be

obtained from leading an active lifestyle. Through the program, participants will learn the

importance of physical activity and how to fit physical fitness into their lives. The program will

consist of educational lectures given by Julie Sturek that will make students aware of the

consequences of leading a sedentary lifestyle. The program will also allow participants to free

access to personal trainers and monthly lessons that will show students ways to fit physical

activity into their daily routines. Each week, there will be a new activity for participants. To

determine if participants were satisfied with the program, the program planners will conduct a

process evaluation immediately after the program.










Logic Model Steps to a Healthier Life

Inputs Outputs Outcomes















Call out meeting for interested students. Set up informational booth at the Atrium. Educate through formal lessons. Educate through exercise classes with personal trainer. BMI will be calculated. Participants will receive heart rate, blood glucose, cholesterol, and blood pressure screenings. Create surveys through SurveyMonkey.

Participants will be able to use exercise equipment properly. Participants will be able to interpret screening results and explain how to lower risks. Participants will be able to explain the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations for physical activity. Participants will increase physical activity levels.

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