Organizational Behavior in the Workplace

This paper will address all three objectives for Week One. Because the paper will address all three objectives, some of the bulleted instructions below might seem disjointed at times..

Write a 500- to 1000-word summary of what you have learned about Organizational Behavior from your current readings. Include the following in your summary:

  • Outline the three components of OB. (Please note that the OB components are Individuals, Groups and Teams, and Organizational Processes).
  • Provide 3 to 5 job skills required of you in your workplace in your current postion (I WORK AS A QUALITY ASSURANCE SPECIALIST AT BOEING). Explain why they are critical in your company. Be sure to list skills and not factors related to personality or attitude.
  • Explain the connection between Organizational Behavior and the selected job skills that you listed above. Show the connection between the OB components and those job skills. Remember to connect the job skills to those three components you addressed in question 1.
  • Explain how Organizational Behavior knowledge can aid you in decision-making and problem solving. There are two key terms that need to be used to address this question. (A hint to one of them is in the Discussion Starters).
  • Predict the consequences of unethical behavior in the workplace. Be sure to show consequences on all three OB components.

Please format using APA guidelines

————One scholarly reference in addition to the textbook is to be used.————————-

The name if the book needed is:

Organizational Behavior: A Practical, Problem-Solving Approach 1st Edition

  • Publisher: McGraw-Hill Higher Education; 1 edition (January 9, 2015)
  • Publication Date: January 9, 2015

I have attached the 2 chapters that will be used for this assignment.

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