How does the search for universals help us better understand human cultural behavior?

How does the identification of cultural universals impact our understanding of what it means to be human? From the time we are born we are shown the culture within our family, once we became of school as our interpretation and observation is then widen.

How does the search for universals help us better understand human cultural behavior? The different cultures that we are able to learn about, which helps us to better understand the new culture and reasons on the different things they do. Which all this is done through Holism/field research.

What examples from your own culture can illustrate the ideas that our behaviors are impacted by our culture more than our biology? The way that I am (my behavior) is more so impacted by my culture than my biology is illustrated when I dance. Everyone in my family can dance except me, but I love to dance.




If I was an anthropologist studying any culture and the approach I would take to study is Europeans and ethnology.
Why? Tones of our history and culture is really based on the first Europeans whom colonized the US. My goal would be to try and see how the Europeans these days are running their businesses, politics, and family gathering once I obtain this information I would then compare it to how we are here in the US. This would help me see the similarities and the differences we have.

What methods would you use to gather your data? Observer-interview and participant observation, I would start off by being a participant observer and take in all of their customs.

What potential issues may you face while conducting your fieldwork and how would you deal with them? Being treated differently because the fact that i am not “one of them”. One of the issues that I would need to overcome is the comments that maybe thrown at me, I would just need to use them as an influence to get my research a better outcome.

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