Grand theory: Orem’s Self-Care




Use: Infusion nurse

Use: Kings theory


Using a grand theory and theorist from last week from the Discussion Board (yours or one of your peers), propose a middle-range theory where you apply it to  an actual population you work with and/ practice problem you experience . Be brief and simple. For example, say you are a community-based maternal/child RN. Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Model can be applied with post-partum women who have experienced physical trauma during the birthing process. Let’s call it “Self-Care Deficit in Post-partum Women” and focuses on assessing her physiological self-care needs and functioning, the demands on her attention (baby care, available support), and developing nursing interventions to address the deficit in between.  Your response should simply look like this:

1. Grand theory: Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Model

2. Patient/client population and problem: Post-partum women who have experienced physical trauma during the birthing process

3. My Middle-range theory: Self-Care Deficit in Post-partum Women

4. Applying it: focuses on assessing her self-care needs and functioning, the demands on her attention (baby care, available support), and developing nursing interventions to address the deficit in between.

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