Differences between a counselor and the client should be recognized in a counseling setting. This essay will discuss the conclusion of multicultural counseling theory and practice and give my views concerning the conclusion.

The below assignment has been written by another student. Please read it very carefully and reply to it by providing at least 200 meaningful words, APA format, at least one in-text cite and from at least one academic resource. Textbook—Hays, D. G., & Erford, B. T. (2014). Developing multicultural counseling competence: A systems approach (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. ISBN: 9780132851022. Thanks (Felice)

Multicultural counseling came to existence during the time when the U.S. became a culturally diverse community leading to the need for recognizing counseling clients based on their cultural makeup. It suggests the importance of understanding and appreciation of minority groups’ values, history, lifestyle as well as experiences. Differences between a counselor and the client should be recognized in a counseling setting. This essay will discuss the conclusion of multicultural counseling theory and practice and give my views concerning the conclusion.

Unlike the past decades when multicultural counseling theory and practice were marginalized and discounted in the mainstream literature, training, and practice, the authors conclude that in the future, multicultural theory and practice will be the basis for training. This will provide the counselors with a universally shared foundation of knowledge, awareness, and skills (Hays & Erford, 2014). The authors also argue that there ought to be a movement from politically right rhetoric to fully understood rhetoric in order to implement an eloquent theory and practice of multicultural supervision and research.

I agree with the authors’ conclusion since the future of multicultural theory and practice lies with the construction of effective multicultural training and skills for counseling professional as well as students. There has been an outstanding focus on constructing multicultural awareness through recognition of privilege, the prominence of communal justice, and identification of development just to help clients see what exists beyond their world view (Ridley & Kleiner, 2003). However, there are few cases of teaching clients on how to involve and learn from the differentially culturally diverse individuals. I suppose there is a big value in learning to initiate a dialogue with an individual from a different culture and get to explore his or her worldview other than drawing conclusions from cultural generalizations. Therefore, skills and knowledge are important aspects that will help to shape the multicultural counseling theory and practice.

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