Describe the different styles of parenting found in Western Culture. Explain with your own examples how these styles effect the social and personality development of preschoolers. 

Choose a child—preschool boy or preschool girl. Based on your decision and based on the different approaches mentioned by Feldman (2011), discuss how you might lessen this child’s stereotypical gender schema

2.      “How reliable is a child’s testimony in the courtroom?” This is a question brought up by researchers in an area of developmental psychology know as forensic developmental psychology. Explain why preschoolers should or should not be allowed to testify in a courtroom. What theories of development support your answer?

3.      Describe the different styles of parenting found in Western Culture. Explain with your own examples how these styles effect the social and personality development of preschoolers.

4.      Empathy allows us to understand how another person is feeling. Explain the relation of empathy to aggression. Does empathy play a role in emotional self-regulation, instrumental aggression and relational aggression? Use examples from your own experience to support your answer.

5.      Discuss the role culture plays in the development of a child’s physical development. Use specific examples from your own experience.

6.      Describe how personal attributions and teacher expectancy effect influence academic success and failure.

7.      What role does social problem solving play in the popularity status of a child? Use your own example to support your answer.

8.      Explain how syntax, intonation and self-talk aid in the progression of language through the middle years.


9.      Identify the purpose for the creation of Binet’s IQ test at the turn of the 20th century. Is Binet’s test the best test to determine the intelligence of an individual? If you agree, support your opinion with your own experiences. If you disagree, state which test you believe better measures intelligence and why you believe it is a better tool. Support your opinion with examples from your own experience.


10.  There is a continuing debate as to whether emotional intelligence should be taught in the schools or through a child’s family (Feldman, 2011). Pick a side, school or family, and discuss why you think emotional intelligence should be taught through your chosen venue. In what ways does emotional intelligence shape the friendships and family dynamics of a person during the middle childhood years?

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