Describe and evaluate the other theory you chose (panspermia, hydrothermal vents, or exogenesis) and researched at the beginning of this CheckPoint. Be sure to include supporting evidence. 

Received a perfect score on this paper.

Read Ch. 9, section 9.1, How Did Life Originate?

Research panspermia, exogenesis, or hydrothermal vents regarding the origin of life on Earth as well as the one summarized under Piecing It Together on p. 247 of the text.

Use the following key words and Web sites to assist you with your search:

  • Origin of life
  • Panspermia theory
  • Hydrothermal vent and origin of life
  • Exogenesis
  • Exobiology
  • Prebiotic world

Post a 300- to 400-word response to the following:

  1. Describe and evaluate the origin of life theory summarized in Piecing It Together on p. 247 of the text. Be sure to include supporting evidence.
  2. Describe and evaluate the other theory you chose (panspermia, hydrothermal vents, or exogenesis) and researched at the beginning of this CheckPoint. Be sure to include supporting evidence.

Which theory could you support more and what are your reasons? Be skeptical when reviewing the theories. Skepticism is the hallmark of any scientific effort.

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