DB1 Replies – BMAL 560

For your replies:

  • You will reply to 2 classmates. Every reply should be 200-300 words and should advance the conversation further by providing new ideas and insights, asking probing questions that get to the heart of critical issues, and share from one’s personal and professional experience. For the purposes of citations, every reply must include:
    • At least 1 scholarly article;
    • A relevant business article (any article from a reputable business source—website, magazine, book, etc.—that discusses a relevant business/ethical issue) and;
    • The PointeCast or video presentation assigned for that unit’s discussion board.
  • Remember to provide new ideas, research, and analysis that create a clear dialogue with your classmate’s ideas.Go beyond providing basic definitions to topics being discussed—that is information that should have been provided in the original post.Your replies should not read as just another thread, nor should it merely regurgitate and restate what your classmate has said, or what you said in your own thread from the week before, for that matter.

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