causes and effects of major world wars

The title goes Here: Be creative! My title: Will We Ever Eliminate War?

Professor Ruff

HIS 110


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This presentation focuses on the causes and effects of the two major world wars and how those changes affected the United States. We will also discuss understanding those causes and effects can help us address current issues today and even predict or prevent future conflicts.


Outline (these are samples for a different topic – use your own research question for your outline slide topics)

My Topic

Major Causes of World War I – with evidence from your sources (sample topic only)

Major Effects of World War I – with evidence from your sources (sample topic only)

Major Causes of World War II – with evidence from your sources (sample topic only)

Major Effects of World War II – with evidence from your sources (sample topic only)

Making Connections


My presentation is broken down into 5 sections with historical examples – from both primary and secondary sources – to help us better understand what happened and what we can learn from it.


My Topic

What can we learn from the causes and effects of World War I and World War II to help prevent future wars?

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Here is where you restate your question for your listeners/viewers and then explain your methodology. What did you research to find the answer to the question and how did it make you think of certain connections to today.


Major Causes of World War I

Use Bullet points and clear phrases – not full paragraphs. This should be the information explaining the topic/title of the slide.

Provide main points in bullets and include a quote from the source to support your claims somewhere on the slide. Remember 85% or more of the slide should be in your own words – if you include a quote be sure to put it in quotation marks and cite it.

Cite all information you used from a source even when explaining it in your own words.

This is where you will format your information into bullet points.

Look at the bullet points you for this slide in the information section. Now write a speech in paragraph form where you explain EACH bullet in more detail. Give some of the examples that support the bullet points from your text (just explain in your own words, do not read straight sentences from the articles).


Major Effects of World War I

Use Bullet points and clear phrases – not full paragraphs. This should be the information explaining the topic/title of the slide.

Provide main points in bullets and include a quote from the source to support your claims somewhere on the slide. Remember 85% or more of the slide should be in your own words – if you include a quote be sure to put it in quotation marks and cite it.

Cite all information you used from a source even when explaining it in your own words.

This is where you will format your information into bullet points

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Look at the bullet points you for this slide in the information section. Now write a speech in paragraph form where you explain EACH bullet in more detail. Give some of the examples that support the bullet points from your text (just explain in your own words, do not read straight sentences from the articles).


Major Causes of World War II

Use Bullet points and clear phrases – not full paragraphs. This should be the information explaining the topic/title of the slide.

Provide main points in bullets and include a quote from the source to support your claims somewhere on the slide. Remember 85% or more of the slide should be in your own words – if you include a quote be sure to put it in quotation marks and cite it.

Cite all information you used from a source even when explaining it in your own words.

This is where you will format your information into bullet points

Look at the bullet points you for this slide in the information section. Now write a speech in paragraph form where you explain EACH bullet in more detail. Give some of the examples that support the bullet points from your text (just explain in your own words, do not read straight sentences from the articles).


Major Effects of World War II

Use Bullet points and clear phrases – not full paragraphs. This should be the information explaining the topic/title of the slide.

Provide main points in bullets and include a quote from the source to support your claims somewhere on the slide. Remember 85% or more of the slide should be in your own words – if you include a quote be sure to put it in quotation marks and cite it.

Cite all information you used from a source even when explaining it in your own words.

This is where you will format your information into bullet points

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Look at the bullet points you for this slide in the information section. Now write a speech in paragraph form where you explain EACH bullet in more detail. Give some of the examples that support the bullet points from your text (just explain in your own words, do not read straight sentences from the articles).


Making Connections

This is where you connect the historical events, issues, trends you just discussed to today. What do they teach us? What are the similarities to issues going on today and how can we use what you have learned today as we encounter those similarities? Or what have we learned to prevent those problems or address similar issues etc. etc.? What predictions can we make?

Look at the bullet points you for this slide in the information section. Now write a speech in paragraph form where you explain EACH bullet in more detail. Give some of the examples that support the bullet points from your text (just explain in your own words, do not read straight sentences from the articles).



Author, Date, Title, Link. – List your sources in the order you used them and cited them IN YOUR PRESENTATION

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