write the example for the presentation

i dont know how to write :

  • Your 6-Word Memoir(See below for more information on this)

Remember to be CREATIVE (though visuals, including PPT slides and props, not required)

  • You may bring in ‘props’, articles of clothing, sports paraphernalia, heirlooms
  • Tell fascinating anecdotes about family or pets.
  • Create a brief powerpoint slides of a few photos


6-Word Memoir (ideas and some text borrowed from Bonnie Grossman, College of Charleston)

Literary legend has it that Ernest Hemingway was once challenged to write a complete story in only six words.He wrote, “For sale: baby shoes, never worn,” and provided or inspired other writers to [do the same]”

Examples of student 6-word memoirs (you may not use these—make up your own!):

  • Never lived up to my potential
  • Got a business degree-now what?
  • Southern Belle who loves the North
  • I repeat: I am not redundant

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