Synthesis of information thesis


Criteria Rating Points

Needs Assessment

47 to >42.0 pts


A thorough analysis of a needs assessment related to the chosen program is discussed in detail. Synthesis of information is evident throughout the paper with sufficient research support.

42 to >38.0 pts


Analysis of a needs assessment related to the chosen program is discussed in detail. Synthesis of information is moderately evident throughout the paper with research support.

38 to >0.0 pts


Minimal analysis of a needs assessment related to the chosen program is discussed. Synthesis of information is minimally evident throughout the paper with minimal research support.

0 pts

Not Present

47 pts

Theory or Model

46 to >41.0 pts


Thorough analysis of a related theory or model related to the chosen program is noted. Synthesis of information is evident throughout the paper with sufficient research support.

41 to >38.0 pts


Moderate analysis of a related theory or model is noted. Synthesis of information is moderately evident throughout the paper with minimal research support.

38 to >0.0 pts


Minimal analysis of a related theory or model is noted. Synthesis of information is minimally evident throughout the paper with minimal research support.

0 pts

Not Present

46 pts

Informatics Nurse Role

47 to >42.0 pts


Thorough analysis of informatics nurse role related to the chosen program is discussed in detail. Synthesis of information is evident throughout the paper with sufficient research support.

42 to >38.0 pts


Moderate analysis of informatics nurse related to the chosen program is noted. Synthesis of information evident throughout the paper with moderate research support.

38 to >0.0 pts


Minimal analysis of informatics and the role of an informatics nurse related to the chosen program is noted. Synthesis of information is minimally evident throughout the paper with minimal research support.

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