Mechanics of Writing Thesis


Rubric for Case Studies:

Criteria Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1


10 points

Defined the  concept and related  terms studied

6 points

Defined the  concepts studied but left out related  terms

3 points

Concept not  defined and left  out some related  term

0 points

No definition of  concepts and related  terms


20 points

Summarized the  case and stated  the problems

15 points

Summarized the  case and stated  some of the  problems

10 points

Summarized case  and left out most of the  problems

0 points

No summary of the  case


10 points

Provided relevant  solutions to the  problems

6 points

Provided solutions  to the problems  but the solution  were only  somewhat relevant

3 points

Provided solutions  but the solutions  were not relevant

0 points

No solutions to the  problems


4 points

Two references  present and  references were  correctly  formatted

3 points

Two references  present but the  references were  not correctly  formatted

2 points

Only one reference  present and  reference is not  correctly  formatted

0 points

No references  present

Mechanics of Writing

6 points

Clear sentences,  good transition,  and no problems  with spelling,  punctuation, or  grammar

4 points

Clear sentences,  good transition,  but problems with  spelling,  punctuation, or  grammar

2 points

Clear sentences,  no good transition,  and problems with  spelling,  punctuation, or  grammar

0 points

Awkward  sentences,  no good transition,  and problems with  spelling,  punctuation, or  grammar

Overall Score Level 4

45 or more Level 3

40 or more Level 2

35 or more Level 1

0 or more

Superior Good Acceptable Needs Improvement

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