EDDL626 Concordia University Portland Change Evaluation Plan Paper

A Simple Evaluation Plan recreate a logic model template (p.54)

Based on your new school’s design, and referring to the Logic Model Development Guide (W. K. Kellogg Foundation, 2004), begin creating a Simple Logic Model Evaluation Plan. One way to conceptualize your school’s evaluation plan is to imagine it is five years in the future. Imagine what the new innovative alternative education school or program will be like. How will the alternative education school or program look and what will it have achieved?

Recreate the logic model template on page 54 of the guide and begin to develop a plan by listing some Resources and Activities.

After you have posted your own logic model template, review those posted by your groupmates. Use this discussion forum as a place to decide as a group precisely what you want your logic model to look like and what resources and activities you want to include at this stage. Those decisions will be synthesized in your group’s formal Simple Evaluation Plan, due Saturday.

Note: While this is a non-graded discussion board, your active participation is expected as an important as part of the development process for your group project.

Support your statements with evidence from the Required Studies, other research, and experiences. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.

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