Based on the financial analysis techniques, suggest a cost-effective plan that might use this information to track women’s morbidity and mortality trends in your home state.

Go to the Website, located at Review the incidence and prevalence statistics on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Be prepared to discuss. 2. Go to your state’s DOH Website, and review the statistics on SIDS in your home state. Be prepared to discuss. 3. Research the Internet and evaluate the position held by your state’s DOH on women’s health. Be prepared to discuss.

Discussion question 1:

• From the first e-Activity, evaluate the concepts of incidence and prevalence in relation to SIDS in children. • From the second e-Activity, analyze and report on the morbidity and mortality rates of SIDS in your home state. Based on your analysis, give your thoughts on your findings.

Discussion question 2:

• From the third e-Activity, suggest at least three (3) financial management techniques that may be used to deal with the cost of addressing women’s health. • Based on the financial analysis techniques, suggest a cost-effective plan that might use this information to track women’s morbidity and mortality trends in your home state.

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