Hospital Implementation of New EHR and Implications

You are the Director of a Health Information Management department, and your hospital will soon be the Hospital implementation of New EHR and Implications. The doctors in your hospital are concerned about using a new EHR. They are afraid that it will take away from their ability to care for their patients and that it will cause extra work for them. The Chief Medical Officer (CMO) has approached you because you are on the EHR implementation and design team. You are asked to negotiate and persuade the physicians – to onboard them with the upcoming transition to an Electronic Health Record. To do this, you will create a presentation for the Medical Staff Meeting and it will include:

  1. Specifics on how the EHR will benefit them. These will be used to negotiate with them in an open forum at the meeting. The CMO provides some physician issues:
  • They have fears about their typing skills.
  • They want to use their own order sets – not pre-set orders.
  • They fear that the system won’t be secure.
  • They like to review the old paper records to see the patient’s treatment history.
  • Some of them use an EHR at a nearby facility and don’t want to learn a different system.
  1. Steps that will be taken to ensure a successful transition to the Hospital Implementation of New EHR and Implications. Create a persuasive presentation for the doctors, sharing at least four benefits the doctors will realize from a new EHR, and recording at least two ideas that can be negotiated during implementation to meet their personal preferences and ensure a successful transition. Your presentation should be 2-3 pages long or if you prefer, it may be completed using PowerPoint which would likely be longer to accommodate for the larger fonts used in PowerPoint. Correct spelling, grammar, Reference in APA format with in-text citations

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.


Hospital Implementation of New EHR and Implications

Hospital Implementation of New EHR and Implications

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